A few weeks ago we were contacted by a young lady called Vickie Powell who asked us for some help. Her friend (Mike Nixon from Sale) used to have a stock car programme ‘signed’ by Frankie Snr, but sadly when he got home he realised that the pen wasn’t working (he didn’t notice as it was dark) and he actually had an unsigned programme that was thrown away, and did we have any signed merchandise we could sell to surprise him on his upcoming birthday.
We said we could do better than that, so we dug out some old 1980’s programmes with Frankie on the front, and last month at Northampton he signed them and we popped them in the post to Vickie.
She game them to Mike on his birthday and he was delighted.
It’s always great when you can bring a smile to someone’s face by doing what we do, stock cars is one big family!
Happy birthday Mike, from all of us at Wainman Racing!
#wainmanracing #briscaf1

Photo’s ©Ian Bannister & Vickie Powell