New colours for Phoebe's old car. (He didn't fancy a pink one!)

Driving Phoebe's car at Buxton. (Photo: Chris Webster)
Frankie JJ has got off to a flying start in his Mini-stox career.
We have just one Mini to take now that Phoebe has retired. Frankie takes his sister’s old car to Buxton for a debut where the snow falls most of the day. He stuggled in the wet weather but manages a few places. He’s a little bit miffed but its all one big learning curve! Thankfully no damage occurred, we load up and drive away from the snowy venue.
The following weekend takes us to Barford. Frankie looks really quick in practice and like the feel of the car. Phoebe looks on on feeling a bit brassed off as she can no longer race.
Frankie’s out for his first heat. He’s going well but gets spun out. The same thing happens in Heat 2! By this time he’s got a munk on and goes out for the final in a different frame of mind.
He gets off to a fab start, he looks like a kid possessed! He’s keeping up with the big guns, before the race is stopped due to a massive roll over by Max Hertzog. The race stops and thankfully Max is okay. On the re-start Frankie is second behind James Riggal. They set off and Frankie stays on his bumper for the rest of the race, and finishes second behind James! Can’t believe how quick he was!

First win of the year!
Just the GN left, and straight away Frankie looks really quick. He soon makes his way to the front and takes the lead… and he wins his first race of the season! Well done Frankie!
A bad start to the meeting but the finish made up for that! We celebrated with a carvery on the way home!
So with Frankie JJ cars running good at Barford, we did little to it but take it to Skegness the following weekend. Once again in practice he looks super quick; a promising start to the day?
He’s out for the first heat and off to a flyer! Racing against the bigger boys and girls and holding his own. He gets 5th place.
Back out for Heat 2, it starts well then falls back. His car is mis-firing and he retires to the infield. In the pits, we have a look and try to solve the problem by changing the carburetter. Everything seemed okay as he went out for the Final, however this was to be short lived as it soon became apparent that his car was spluttering again. Another early retirment.
We were all treated to a cracking race in the Final! The last bend, three different drivers going for it! Max took the win only to be disqualified for cutting a corner. Thought the decision was unfair really, three cars plus a novice, didn’t feel it was used to gain an advantage and it saved what could have been a big pile up and some hurt drivers. If this is the new rule, then God help any F1 drivers at this years WF!
So a bit disappointing for young Frank. The only thing good to come of it was him getting the fastest lap of the day!

Forget the big dogs - little dogs are quicker!

A bit of a tangle (Photo: Chris Webster)

Another problem! (Photo: Chris Webster)

In traffic (Photo: Chris Webster)

The dashboard