Frankie Junior in his dad’s car at Skegness on Sunday 4th March 1990. This is the meeting where he rolled Paul Harrison over across the finish line.Paul took the win by inches, but came off worse.
Dennis Binns’ footage from Skegness, 4th March 1990.Skegness again, this time 6th March 1988, and another car borrowed from his dad.The engine wasn’t ready for his own car. Frankie did not score any points at this meeting. The next photos are from Northampton on 1st November 1987. Frankie won Heat 1 and then won his first ever Final. And in the Grand National he had his first roll over!The next photos are from the workshop in February 1991.FWJ’s third car being built. The car started off as white and red. The same car repainted silver and red, just driven out of the workshop and never been raced in this colour scheme. This was the morning of Saturday 24th August 1991, just prior to the World Semi-Final at Crewe.