Danny lining up with our Dutch friend Henk-Jan. (MF)
King’s Lynn was a rubbish meeting! I just scraped into the final by getting second in the consolation. The car didn’t feel right at all. I stuck with it, and ended up with a tenth in the final and fourth in the national.
We arrived home from King’s Lynn at 3.40am. No chance of a lie-in in the morning as we’re off to Belle Vue where young Frank is racing his mini and Phoebe her V8.

Phoebe drove brilliantly at Belle Vue. (CH)
So off we go to Belle Vue, and it’s a decent sunny day! Frankie is out first, and his start is a little slow but after a few laps something twigs and he starts to catch up and pass the other drivers. He finishes in fifth.
A worse start in Heat 2. He crashed at the start of the race, but re-joined and got eighth.
In his final he starts on pole of the superstars. He makes a perfect start, and is up into fourth place before yellows are out. The restart couldn’t have gone better, as he nudges 391 & 8 wide, then catches Finn Sargent and passes him to take the lead. He takes the flag to win the final, which is also the North Eastern championship.
In Phoebe’s first race the track was heavily watered and her goggles got clogged up so she had to keep wiping them by hand. She crashed out and pulled on to the middle.
Heat 2 and the track was drenched again. Despite this she drove fantastic! Her goggles packed up again, but she went on to get a third place.
She’s out for her final now. Her start is faultless as she floors it down the first straight. She’s going extremely well and with three laps to go she takes the lead. But she went in just a bit too fast, and got spun out. Almost, Phoebe!
Well done kids!
Thanks to Martin Fitzgerald for the King’s Lynn photos, and to Carl Hesketh for the ones from Belle Vue.